Rawat Computer

Rawat Computer Established in the year 2021 in Sanjay Nagar main road Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. Our Center is Affiliated with Common Service Center (CSC) & CSC Academy. The Center Conducting Computer Oriented Courses and CSC all type of Online work like Aadhaar, PAN, Insurance, DL, EPF, Digital Signature, Online Tender etc. Our Center is focused on providing Quality education with practical sessions. We offer Courses Six Months, One Year, and Short Term Duration Courses. The Center provides value-based Quality Education For Computer Technology. The satisfaction of our students is our priority. We pride ourselves on providing proficient IT solutions. We have qualified and experienced faculties, who, not only handle teaching but also aspire to provide the best possible solution through their technical expertise.

Unique Features of our programs What do you want to study?

  • Malleable Study Time

    Common Service Center (CSC)

    Study material available online 24/7. Study in your free time, no time management issues, perfect balance between work and study time.

  • Study on the Go

    Website Designing

    LMS that is easily accessible on a number of devices such as mobile phones, I-pads, computers and other such devices. Availability of ready reckoners such that students can remember the key points of the session learnt.

  • Practical & Interactive Participation

    Digital Signature & E-Tender

    Assessments and interactivities are given at the end of every session such that the practical application of theory learnt can be gauged.

  • Placement Assistance

    Life Insurance (LIC)

    Edumart University Online has access to all of Edumart Group’s placement resources and alumni network, through which thousands of job opportunities are generated.

  • Easy To Access

    Health Insurance (Star Health)

    There is easy accessibility to online help in terms of online teachers and online forums. Teachers can be contacted with the help of video chats and e-mails.

  • Get an Innovative, In-depth Transition

    Vehicle Insurance

    The transition to an environment of learning becomes easy with the availability of multiple sources of learning such as text books, power-point presentations, and story boards on various subjects.